Sometimes Naomi can drive me nuts. She's two and you can only reason with her to a point, then she decides to ignore you or make you bust up laughing.
The past few days here have involved lots of driving mommy nuts and making mommy laugh my head off!
The other day she brought me the jar of baby pickles while I was at the computer-(should have been helping her get the jar out/in the fridge, not checking my email...), we ate a few together and then she decided to put it away in the fridge.
Next I hear a huge crack of breaking glass and Naomi yelling "uh-oh!" I hurry into the kitchen to find Naomi standing above the broken pickle jar, but already eating a pickle from the wreckage! I had to laugh, I mean, she's covered in pickle juice and her first instinct is to freeze- she hadn't moved an inch- and grab a pickle and eat it as fast as she could! Luckily we walked away with no injuries to report. I did spend a good while mopping up pickle juice and glass shards.....
Yesterday while I was feeding James, Naomi got her shoes on, filled her purse with toys, loaded three dollies/babies into her stroller and announced that she was "ready to go!" I asked her what was in her purse and she said, "ummm, probably.... everything!" She's a girl!
Then today we were at the playground with some friends. I went to retrieve Naomi from playing behind some bushes. When I got to her she opened her mouth to show me some chewed up green stuff. I asked her WHAT was in her mouth???!! She then proceeded to spit it out, getting it on her shirt. Then she said, "grass, and leaves!" I had to turn away I was laughing so hard!
I just find myself thinking she would know that leaves taste gross and are not for eating but then she goes and tries it out. It was so funny.
But that's not the end. Tonight at dinner I asked her to tell Zach what she ate at the park today. She couldn't remember so I told him grass and leaves. Then Naomi said, "No eat grass, I ate one leaf!" And she was so proud!
She had to wear her "soft red dress" too. She wants to wear it EVERYDAY.
And just for good measure, so you all know he does cry:) He's such a sweetie.