My little "James-ers" (as I like to call him) or "James-a" (Naomi) is so sweet. He's seriously such a fun little baby! I guess he's not really so little.
He's had a little cold that's just about gone, we've all had a cold this last week, and he's been so cheerful anyway. He just loves to be held and carried but will play with his toys so well too. He sits up officially now. He falls occasionally, especially when Naomi is nearby.... and he loves his exersaucer too, he jumps in it now.
We went to the zoo with our friends; Cassie and Abby, Claire and Drew. Naomi and Abby are great little friends. I'm so glad they get along well, It's nice to hang out with Cassie and a bonus that our girls like each other too! Naomi tagged along to Abby's soccer practice this week. She LOVED it. She wants a pink ball just like Abby's. I was impressed that she followed most of the coach's directions and could actually run and kick the ball at the same time:) It's really cute to watch all the kids running haphazardly after their balls- buffalo ball, I think that's what my dad calls stuff like this.
We've been having family home evening (finally) and it's been a big hit. Naomi asks every few nights if it's time for FHE. I think she enjoys the treats and games the most, of course. We decorated cup cakes and ate them for one of the nights. Last night Zach taught the lesson on "helping" and we sang When we're helping" and then we all helped fold the laundry! Nice huh. I'm a total advocate for incorporating things that need to be done anyway into our family time. Naomi sorted while we folded. James just sucked on a towel.
For other awesome news; I ran an 8k last Saturday! We did it with our friends Jess and Ashley Theodore. They are real runners and I am trying to be and Zach is pretty good too. I think I was the only one who walked part of it, but I ran nearly the whole thing and made decent time too. I was/am SO proud of myself! 8k is 5 miles- that's farther than I've ever done at one time. I've done about 4 a few times. It was the first time I've run a race too. I'm excited about running now. I want to run more races, I felt so happy with myself when I finished. I almost threw up, but I was happy.
After the 8k, Naomi and I went to Disney on Ice with Cassie and Abby while the "boys" stayed home. It was a sweet girls outing that we all really enjoyed. The show was better than I expected and Naomi liked it more than I expected as well. I would definitely go again, Naomi actually loved it. She spent the last half of the show twirling in front of her seat like the ice skaters! I don't have any good pictures from that though. Or any souvenirs, they cost more than the tickets. Disney....
Naomi starts preschool tomorrow. I'm still undecided if I really want her to do it- It's for two hours M-Th, so 4 days a week. James needs a nap usually before I need to drop her off for preschool. He naps from 8:30-10 and preschool is 9-11. If I could just get him to sleep until 7 a.m. we could shift our nap times 1/2 hour too.... anyway. We'll see what works out tomorrow. I think she'll really enjoy it. If it's too much for me, us, her, then I can just pull her out. She's only 2 anyway.
So we're off to another busy week here in Maryland. I'm not sure what I actually spend all my time doing, but the weeks fly by anyway. We are having the most beautiful fall weather. The leaves haven't started to change colors yet but the temperatures have been lovely. I love fall. But I think I say that about every season. Conference is this weekend, that's something to look forward to.
Rub a dub, dub, two kids in a tub, and who do you think they be? Naomi and James, James and Naomi- as chubby and cute as can be!
FHE treat- cupcakes:)
Pigtails today- she looks old with her hair up.
My little rolly-polly
BFF Abby and Naomi at the zoo
Seriously, I have cute kids.
I "lurve" these pants on James!
Soccer Stars
Drew and James, hanging out
Naomi and Abby
I walked into the room to find Naomi "reading" her Book of Mormon! Too cute.
"James is a Prince!!!" - Naomi