Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I'm sick

I'm sick. I've had only a little bit of water all day. Seriously, only water. The last food I ate was chocolate milk and oreos last night. That's probably why I'm sick. Punishment. So what's that? 18 hours with out calories! From the girl who gets dizzy if I don't eat every 2. Now I know what that line on the movie "The Devil Wears Prada" meant: "I'm only one stomach flu away from my ideal weight.." or something like that, from the personal assistant girl.

Anyway. I think I want to eat something but I'm worried it won't stay down. Apples sound good and so do these little oranges, clementines- we have a box. Maybe just water still though. Stuff like soda crackers sounds horrible. Bleh. I think Jamba would nearly cure me.

I do have much more interesting things to blog about, I'll try those now. 

Like how we used our new ClearPlay DVD player last night. It worked rather well, we were pleased. Thanks Jeff and Linda. Now we will become redbox-aholics and watch movies every night. Really though, it's a cool idea/program and though the website needs refining, the player is great.

And how about this for a post idea, James almost succeeded in consuming one of those anti-oxidation packets from a shoebox sitting by the front door destined for the recycling bin. The ones that state implicitly "do not eat". You'd think the kid can't read or something.

I found him with a packet between his fingers in his mouth with a really disgusted look on his face. I confiscated, cleaned out mouth, fingers, face, freaked out a little, or a lot, and vacuumed the spilled contents. Turns out (online resources....) that they don't cause harm. I hope not. He didn't actually eat it... Wow, I'm just sounding like parent of the year here.

Ok, how about this then. Naomi and I made Jello jigglers yesterday and I didn't control-freak (much) while she cut them out with the cookie cutters. Turns out though that she doesn't really love the texture or taste, or both. They were just fun to play with.
Or this, Naomi was being the big helper she is and poured some ranch dressing on her plate for dinner the other day. Then we heard he say, "I got LOTS!" She was so pleased.
So. Still sick. Z is bringing home ginger ale or sprite or both to help me with the blood sugar issues.... and James just woke up from his nap. Time to be a mom!


Emily + Eric said...

Sorry you're sick! Life could not go on at the Stauffer household without our Clearplay. We love it!

Erica said...

Get better! That is terrible! We did the Jello thing last week at Joy School and it was all about the excitement. Most of the kids thought it was really gross. Hope the ginger ale helps and that no one else in your family gets it!

Jenny said...

So glad your back. I enjoy your posts. You make me giggle, a little, or a lot, I don't know.

Love the ranch picture. I'm still laughing just thinking about it and I don't even know your kids.

Adam and Cassie Pierson said...

I literally lost 5 lbs from that one day of throwing up. Crazy how quickly you can lose weight...

Anne-Marie said...

I hope you're feeling better today....It's no fun being sick when you still have to function for your kids! Good Luck! I hear ya on the blood sugar thing, I feel like I'm eating ALL the time somedays....

Heather said...

NICE! Now Naomi has to eat lots of vegetables in order for her not to waste all of that goopy ranchy goodness!
Sorry you are not feeling well. A piece of bread or an apple would boost your blood sugar pretty quick so at-least you wouldn't feel dizzy. I hope you feel better soon.

Natalie said...

I'm so sorry you're sick. That's the worst. I think I lost 5 lbs last week when I was sick too. At least there's one upside to all the yuckiness.