8:25 Naomi announces to previously sleeping mom that she is "SO HUNGRY" and she has her clothes for the day with her. She is naked.
8:30 Convince Naomi to go use the potty first.
8:35 And to get dressed.
8:40 Inform her that she can't lift the gallon of milk from the top shelf of the fridge. By herself.
8:45 Naomi eating "those little round cereals" Kix and orange juice. Now dressed.
8:46 James awake and crying. He's still sick. Go change his mega-wet diaper, out of jammies, into clothes, some tylenol for the sad kid. Cried the whole time, wants "JUICE!"
8:55 Hear Naomi finish and put her dished in the sink (score!) She joins us upstairs.
8:56 I give Naomi empty medicine bottle to wash out in the sink. She likes to play in water, and it's a good toy medicine now for her baby dolls.
9:00 James is cleaned up (snot dried on face, ew), clean diaper, dressed and ready to eat.
9:02 Washing out a sippy cup for juice. I need to buy more of those.
9:03 James drinking his OJ. Me making toast, pouring my own juice, bowl of cereal. James decides he wants cereal too.
9:04 He does not want cereal.
9:08 Naomi still upstairs playing in the sink. Did she just say something about a bath?
9:10 Juice is all gone. James hands it to me. I refill with milk. He stares at it and then looks at me and says. "JUICE". Sorry bud, no more juice. He doesn't touch the milk.
9:15 James eats 1/2 of 1/4 piece of toast. And 5 kix cereals. He is now done.
9:20 I put James in front of PBS while I eat.
9:22 I sit down at desk to check email while I eat my cereal.
9:23 Naomi calls me up to "come see!"
9:25 Naomi is naked (again) sitting in a sink full of warm water. counter, floor and cupboards are very wet. Sigh.
9:35 Naomi dressed again, everything dried off.
9:38 James joins us upstairs, he's poopy.
9:45 finally eating my soggy cereal.
And you've only been up for an hour and a half. Sorry to hear about the soggy cereal. Here's my prescription:
Take some pictures of your naked, hungry, snotty, poopy kiddos and laugh about it when Zach gets home. Then tell him he's in charge and lock the bathroom door to take a bubble bath or treat yourself to grocery shopping WITHOUT the kids.
Dr. Jacq
Don't you just love those days. Ugh.
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