Sunday, June 10, 2007

Bath time...

We got home from a fabulous over-nighter at Bear Lake yesterday at about 6:30 p.m. We mulled around and I got most of our stuff unpacked and put away, (it was an over-nighter, you'd think we could take our p.j.s but no.)
After the mini clean-up and put-away I was being gloriously lazy and sitting on our bed reading a novel, actually to be more accurate, I was totally sucked into this dumb book- Harlan Cobin, The Woods.
Anyway, Zach was being so great as to get Naomi ready for bed. They were in the bathroom rinsing out the tub for a bath and Naomi was dutifully dropping her tub toys into the tub one by one. I was actually listening to them and reading. Weird but I do that. So I hear the tub water stop and then all of the sudden Zach is laughing, really laughing. He has this funny laugh that he doesn't let escape all that often, I love it. I pulled my head out of the book to listen for what was going on. Zach walks into our room with his hair, face and shoulders totally soaking, dripping wet.
What tha......?
He was still laughing when he could finally tell me what happened:
"I was rinsing out the tub and then I went to plug the tub for the bath. I flipped the plug and the water stopped!"
So then he leaned his head in further, looking at the faucet to figure out what happened to the water? We live in a old and more than a little run down 1970's apartment so maybe the water just decided to turn off.....
All of this took just a few seconds - then WHAM the water hit him.
He pulled the shower plug thingy up, not the tub drain plug.
Sometimes I swear law school has sucked up about 1/2 his brain by now!

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