Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Charleston~ South Carolina

I thought I would post a few pictures from our fun, short trip to Charleston last weekend. We went with our friends, the Jenkins- Heather, Robb and Claire. The plan was for me and Heather to leave Friday morning with the 3 kiddos, spend the afternoon exploring downtown Charleston, maybe go to the children's museum etc. Zach and Robb were going to leave from work at about 5 and make it by the kids bedtime or so, and then spend the evening hanging out with their awesome wives. Well, it didn't work out quite as we planned, but does anything?

It took me forever to get out of the apartment and after making a trip to the car with stuff I came back to find Naomi GONE. She had unlocked the door and made a run for it down the hall. She came prancing back when I (freaking out) called her name, saying "It's ok Mom, it's ok!" No, it really wasn't. Ugh. So we picked up Heather and Claire but I had to feed James before we left there (read: delay). So we got out of Charlotte and started on our 3 hour drive and finally arrived in Charleston later than planned, thanks to my lateness- with two tired mommies and two toddlers who missed their naps! Everyone was doing fine though so we headed out for some exploring and stopped at a beautiful park to play. Heather played with the girls while I fed James. I couldn't get enough of the gorgeous old houses. Charleston has some amazing architectural style. Naomi and Claire played and ran and jumped to their hearts content and we then headed off to find some dinner. Funny thing is that we were looking for something a little more family friendly and everything seemed to be more tavern-bar-like. So we opted for sandwiches from the deli at the grocery store. Naomi took it upon herself to pour her milk chug out all over my feet once we were outside and eating. Nice.

Zach and Robb were at this point STILL at the office. Zach was finishing a memo and it was taking FORever. Robb was a good sport, and good friend and kept him company. The guys ended up leaving way, way, way later than planned but came anyway, and I'm so glad too.

Heather and I went back to the hotel, (that my cool brother in law hooked us up with deals at) to find out that they still have not delivered the pack 'n plays to our rooms. At this point we have asked for them and about them probably 10 times! I called a few days in advance to request them and then also upon check-in. They kept saying "We'll bring them right up!" Hmmmm. So after much insistence on our part the front desk guy finally brought one up to Heather, at about 9 p.m.!!! They apparently only had one and he was sorry for the inconvenience.. I'm so sure he was very sorry. We were totally fine, Naomi slept on the pull out couch anyway and I just had James sleep on the floor on a bed of towels. Seriously though, it was very unprofessional of them to not follow through with their commitment. I was SO annoyed.

Alright. On to the fun stuff. Saturday morning we spent at the beach! It was awesome. The water was so warm and the weather was lovely. Zach spent a fair chunk of time trying to put up a sun shade tarp thing he bought. It wasn't really happening. The wind kept whipping it off it's poles and then finally one of the poles bent and broke. I was trying not to laugh:) Robb, trying to be supportive, helped for a bit but could see it was a hopeless cause. Zach rigged it up somehow and we were able to lay James on a towel under it in the shade. Naomi tried to lead Claire into deeper water and they both ended up falling over, getting good and wet, and sandy. The girls loved it, they were playing so cute together. I really haven't had such a fun time at the beach in a long time. Naomi loved the water and playing in the sand. James loved laying in the shade and taking a nap:)

After the beach we went to lunch and wandered downtown a little more before we left for home. We stopped at a water fountain that Naomi and Zach got soaked in, it was so funny to watch Naomi being daring and just getting drenched with the water! It was overall a very fun weekend (despite getting there late Friday), we love the Jenkins, and I'm really glad we went. I think we all felt that Charleston is worth revisiting, maybe without kids so we can see a little more.

The Jenkins. Heather is 7 months pregnant and she didn't complain about it once! She looks so good too.


James in the 6 months+ stroller....

My favorite house!


theSwensenFamily said...

I cannot believe how close you guys are to us! You probably drove right through Columbia on your way to Charleston! If you come down again in the next three weeks, look us up! I loved your pictures at the beach. I love, love, LOVE Charleston. It is such a gorgeous city! Your kids are so cute. Naomi sounds like she has quite the personality and James is huge. I can't believe he weighs 15 pounds already! What are you feeding him? I'd love to get my hands on him! It sounds like you guys are doing so well! Love your blog!

Heather said...

Yay! Blogging! What a fun vacation! I have always wanted to go to Charleston. Your babies are so beautiful! I can't believe how big Naomi is getting! Love your blog!

Anderson Avenue said...

It looks like you guys had so much fun. Your kids are so cute! I love James' pudgy little legs!

Dusty (To the Moon and Back) said...

Hey ! Thanks for stopping by my blog! Life certainly is hectic with two small children, isn't it? lol. Your pictures are great!

Sarah said...

what a fun trip. It looks gorgeous there. I love the water pic with Zack & Naomi.

Jeweza Broma Chaluk said...

I'm glad you had a good time.
