Thursday, May 10, 2007

Growth Percentiles...

Naomi had her 15 month old well child check up today, (as opposed to "sick" child visits:) She's been to the doctor so many times since she was born, it's crazy, and she's up to date on immunizations now until her 2 year "well" child check up. Shots were sad today but she sucked it up and was smiling as we walked out of the doctors office. I hate shots. I almost cry when she does.
So, anyway, on to the exciting part about the visit: I don't know what it is about finding out your child's growth percentiles. It's strangely satisfying. I'm always excited to see how "long" Naomi is and how much she weighs, I'm even into her head circumference! (The doctor re-measured Naomi's head, it seems the nurses measurement showed her head shrunk:) Dr. Korte is Naomi's totally awesome pediatrician, and I had to inform her today that we are leaving and won't be coming back. sniff. It's all right, I'm positive there are tons of fantastic pediatricians in D.C. Hopefully.

So enough ado, here are Naomi's brand spankin' new 15-month old growth percentile statistics!!!
Age: 15 months
Length: 31.75 inches
Weight: 22lb 4.02 oz
Head: 45.25 centimeters (why they don't do this one in inches like the length escapes me)

Sooooo, that's would be
82nd % for height
34th % for weight
and about 38th % for head circumference.


Anonymous said...

Oh what it would be like to have a lightweight! And by the way your lightweight is sleeping in Jordans room right now! Yeah for her! She is taking a nap!

Erica said...

Sounds like a Low to me! You'll probably see the height and weight spread even more at her 2 year. She'll become tall and skinny just like her Mommy!

Granny said...

Those stats sound good. Our pediatrician does everything in metric and leaves me busy converting in my head. Or I look at them oddly and they do it for me.

Thank you so much for the kind words. If I commented here before, I can't imagine why I didn't add you to my feeder.

I'll do it now. Sometimes Bloglines messes up or I procrastinate and then get absentminded.