Potty training.
I'm not sure I'm up to the task.
Yesterday Naomi and I made a "potty chart" to put stickers on when she used the potty. She LOVES sitting on her potty. But she has actually gone pee or pooped on it maybe 5 times. Maybe.
Today I asked her/put her on the potty about every 20-30 minutes and she never was able to go. But the minute her pull-ups were back up, she would wet them or poop. THEN she wanted to go and sit on the potty. Arrrgh.
She has all the signs for potty readiness, she wants to go on the potty, she pulls down her pants on her own and sits there but never can/will go.
I don't really get it. There has got to be something I am missing here.
And we keep it fun too, if she doesn't want to, no big deal. We sing songs or read a book while she sits there too. She gets an m&m if she actually goes. She really, really, really wants to wear underwear- not diapers or pull ups.
But she won't go on the potty.
I going to keep trying for a few more days. If this keeps up though I'm going to take it as she's just not ready. But then will I be messing her up and then she'll never want to potty train???
I need advice all you veteran potty training moms!!!
In other stuff, we went to a really great park nearby, called Latta Park. It has a Sprayground. It's a fence enclosed cement area with fountains of water all over for the kiddies to run around in. Naomi really loved it. In fact she asked to go back today, after naps:)
And last Saturday Zach and I took the kids to another park to play then out for pizza. It was a really fun evening out. I put James in the baby swing and he loved it! He's way too small for it but he enjoyed his 2 minutes of gentle swinging. Naomi loves playing with Zach on the playground, it's cute to watch her with him.
potty training is tricky! good luck! i wish I had some amazing advice to give, but I don't! Brooklyn just kind of did it on her own. She was about 3 though. Good luck!!
I hate potty training. We just happen to be in the same boat. Jordan will not go on the potty. But he goes to sit on it after he's already gone! If you get any great advice, please let me know! Good luck!
The best thing you can do is just be patient. Potty training is about 1% training and 99% patience. The more she sits on the potty and practices going through the motions, the easier it will be when she finally figures out how to make it all happen. It really will just click one day and she'll be trained. I know it's TOTALLY FRUSTERATING, but just hang in there, it will happen sooner than you think.
Trisha, NOTHING worked for me! I swear I tried everything. Then one day he was ready. Good Luck babe I am not looking forward to that again. It sounds like you guys are having so much fun out there we need to come visit!
I am not a vetran that is for sure and I still am wondering if Avree will ever be totally trained but the one thing that I know that really helped her is the first time she goes and see's what it's like then it will click. But for sure as someone has mentioned it takes a lot of patience! Also another thing that my mom said was to make it her responsibility. When she goes have her do it and if she has an accident have her clean it up etc. Sorry this is so long!! Hope it helps!
What is a favorite drink of hers that she never gets? Soda, maybe? Pump her chalk full of it. 20 minutes on the potty 20 minutes off. Pour warm water down her front over and over and over for that full 20 minutes. Off the potty more soda. All day long. Totally OCD consistent. This got Kate doing her pees in a day... the pooping part I have no advice for though. That took Kate forever!!!
A friend of mine told me that if your child can't seem to go ON the potty, that you can pour some warmish water down her belly while she is sitting and it is a definite pee-starter. Or, run the sink water and have her sit and listen after she has had a big drink. They have to learn to relax those muscles in the right places.
Good luck!!! It is so so so wonderful when it finally sticks and you have one less kiddo in diapers.
Come home (Maryland) soon!! We miss you.
Holy COw Trish! THat last picture of you and the kids at the park....YOU ARE SKINNY MINNY!!!! YOu look AMAZING!!! I love your kids! They are way cute!
Uh..good luck with the potty training. Ethan is showing no signs whatsoever about potty training, so i will just read all the advice you get on your blog and then use it later! :)
Oh my gosh, you guys are cracking me up! Heather, especially you, lol:) I think I'm going to try the soda/warm water tactics this weekend when I have Zach as my back up! And Jamie, it's just a good angle, seriously:)
Hey Trisha, I happened upon your blog just now, I hope you don't mind me posting. (It's Andrea, Mark's wife)
We started warming Stacia up to potty-training before she was 2. High hopes, I guess. She finally got it down by age 3. I think it totally has to be up to the kid, but it sure is frustrating waiting.
The thing that worked best for Stacia (besides being at Grandmas' house, those ladies are miracle workers) was bribing her with being able to wear panties if she went in the potty. Sometimes now if she refuses to go we give her the choice of try to go potty or wear pull ups. And we bought the store brand pull-ups, which turn out to be a bit itchy and uncomfortable, and that helps make panties even more appealing. Good luck!
i cannot BELIEVE how chunky James is. Wow. ! So cute!
Your hair is so freaking cute! I want to chew on James's cute thighs! He is a doll! Noami is so flippen cute as well! You make two kids look so easy!
This is Stephanie, Talia's friend-
I potty trained twins last year just after they turned two and the best thing I did besides all the sticker charts, treats, awards etc was to just take off their diapers and not put them back on EVER. (besides at night) That way they felt the mess when they had an accident and wanted it off. It took about a month for my girl and about two for my boy, but so worth it. it was Summer also, so a lot of the accidents were outside. There was a lot of cleaning up to do and laundry but I think it worked. Good Luck!
Hey, this is Amber (Farnsworth) I was reading and thought I would share what we did... if you still need it that is. We bought a movie called "Elmo's Potty Time" from Walmart. It did wonders! It explains in detail to the little kid what their body is doing. Something I never did. We did the water thing too where we turned water on just barely running in the tub and also never did the pull ups. I know a lot of people have success with them but we were told to just go straight to underwear because then they wont have a crutch. It worked. True when they do go it is messier but for us we had a lot less messes because of the sensation of wet pants vs a dipar feel. One more thing we did was not letting him drink after 7 PM and then making him go to the bathroom right before he went to bed (around 8:30) and we didn't use pull ups at night either, he has only ever had one accident at night in about 8 months. I don't know if this will help because all kids are different, it might be good too now that you have introduced it to her to give her a few weeks and then try again then she will have time to realize what is going on.
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