Thursday, September 06, 2007

Guess What?

Well, Naomi seems to be on the mend. Good thing:) She was kind of sick today but don't tell her that! I fed her strictly the BRAT diet today and I think it's working if you know what I mean. It stands for Bananas, Rice, Applesauce and Toast. And the greener the banana the better.

But on a fun note we got some new boots for Naomi and leg warmers!!! I wasn't totally sold on the boots but Naomi LOVED them. Plus, we need rain boots, her snow boots leak water if she steps in a puddle. Which she does whenever she can.

Funny thing though, she wouldn't let me put the leg warmers on her unless I put the boots on too.

Nice combination. Maybe she'll set a new trend. You know, kitty boots and pink sparkly leg warmers paired with little white shorts and a pink kitty T.

Oh man. The dressing herself has started.

So here is a picture of my little fashionista!

Ok. so on to the Guess What.

I was trying to wait until a little later to tell the news or until I saw a doctor, but I finally got a doctor appointment and it's not until October so I figured what the heck.
I'm Going To Have A BABY!!!
I'm due April 2, 2008
I am currently 10 weeks pregnant. And I am very sick. It's horrible:)
I did see my doctor in Utah the day before I left and she did an ultrasound, confirmed the pregnancy but all you could see was the sac because I was only a few weeks along.
I swear I'm a cow already though now. My sister Aimee who was just here says she didn't notice at all but I have noticed. I totally have a gut. Maybe if I'm lucky by next summer I won't have one again....
So that's the big news! I'll be sure to post an update when we find out if it's a girl or boy.
Oh, and Zach is very, very excited of course. He was the crazy one who said after Naomi that he wanted about 11 kids. Crazy.


Amy said...

YEA!!! Congrats! I am so excited for you. Sorry your so sick.

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness! That was one thing I wasn't expecting you to announce!!! Congrats! Wow! Wow! Wow!

Chillygator said...

YAY!! Congratulations!!!

Erica said...

Finally the announcement! Yay! We're so excited, and we can't wait to see what the newest Champlin addition is like! (Cute and brilliant of course, but what else?)

Erin Davis said...

Congrats Trish! I am so excited for you. Maybe it will be a boy! You are such a cute mom! Love you.

Dani said...

Okay, so maybe my birthday was a little far fetched. But I'm sure you're a very little pregnant person so waiting a week longer wouldn't be that bad... :)