Saturday, September 08, 2007

The Top 35

Copied From Dani-

1. What is your occupation? Mom, or stay at home mom. I'm getting a raise soon....

2. Do you like banana sandwiches? Yes with peanut butter and honey too.

3. What are you listening to right now? Zach typing on his laptop

4. What was the last thing you ate? Popsicle, they make me feel good.

5. Do you wish on stars? yes, when I remember

6. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? probably raspberry color or a nice red-orange.
7. How is the weather right now? warm and nice, but it's night now so warm and dark.

8. Last person you spoke to on the phone? Natalie, my little sister. She's shopping in Vegas and is my personal shopper at times:)

9. Favorite T.V. shows? I only watch The Office, starts again soon!!!

10. Favorite T.V. commercial? hmm, been a while since I actually watched "T.V." I honestly don't have one.

11. Favorite drink? Is a Jamba a drink? Sure. Mango-a-GoGo.

12. Favorite sport to watch? HS football and then College basketball.

13. Have you ever dyed your hair? Oh tons but not in the past few years.

14. Do you wear contacts or glasses? Neither.

15. Pets? An orange tabby cat named Cheetah. She was a surprise Christmas present from Zach a few years ago. Now Naomi torments her.

16. Favorite month? December! I LOVE Christmas time!

17. Favorite food? Depends on the day, but I guess you can't really count candy as a food, or Popsicles. Probably my mom's mashed potatoes and dad's gravy. We just can't seem to replicate them!

18. What was the last movie you watched? The Princess Bride!

19. Favorite day of the year? Maybe my birthday? I don't know. I think it changes every year.

20. What do you do to vent anger? I usually vent to Zach, especially if it's him I'm mad at:)

21. What was your favorite toy as a child? Maybe my Fisher Price cash register.

22. Fall or Spring? Fall right now but come April I would say Spring! I like the season changes.

23. Hugs or kisses? If we are talking candy I go for kisses.

24. Cherry or Blueberry? Cherry jolly ranchers and Blueberries or the real deal.

25. What is on the floor of your closet? My shoes

26. Who is the friend you have had the longest? My sister Natalie!

27. What did you do last night? Watched The Princess Bride and then searched for tickets online to Wicked in NY.

28. What are you afraid of? Spiders on a superficial level but seriously I'm probably afraid of something horrible happening to Naomi.

29. What bugs you? Calling "Customer Support" and having to explain to someone in India. As well as they speak English there is still a major language and cultural barrier. Sounds very rude I know but it does bug me.

30. How many states have you visited? 22 if you count D.C.

31. Favorite car? I just want a NEW car. Nothing to pricey, I like the Mazda 6, Passat, and Pathfinders. Just a few that catch my eye.

32. Number of keys on your key ring? Too many. 5

33. How many years at your current job? 1 year, 6 1/2 months.

34. Favorite day of the week? Saturday

35. How many states have you lived in? 3- Utah, Illinois, Maryland

(like Dani) Copy and paste for your blog, they are fun to read- consider yourself tagged:)

1 comment:

Dani said...

We should try to go to Wicked together! (if you guys don't already have people you're going with)