Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Naomi is Sick

When Zach went in to get Naomi out of bed this morning she had thrown up. Yucky and sad. Naomi was acting totally fine though, playing and talking like it never happened.
But current status is that she can't keep anything down. Not even water. I tried to give her some pedialyte. That wasn't a winner either.
Other than having an entirely empty stomach she is doing really well. No fever and no other symptoms that usually go along with a stomach bug...yet.
We watched a cartoon dvd and now she's down for a nap. I'm going to try some watered down pedialyte when she's up again and hope for the best.
I hate for her to be sick, it makes me feel so sad for her! And there's so little I can do to make it go away.
Hopefully by this evening she'll be feeling a lot better.
Cross my fingers.


Erica said...

Yikes! What a bug! So sad for her to keep throwing up. And so sad for Mom who has to clean it up (and wants to throw up in the process!) EWWW! I hope she gets better fast, you don't want her to get dehydrated. :(

Ashlee said...

Try salteens..It sounds more like food poison then the flew. Just give her 1 once every 20 mins when she wakes up and after an hour try 2 onces or intell she really wants to drink. But a little bit at a time slowly is better than a lot all at once. Good luck, I have only delt with sick kids once in almost 4 years. So thats all the advice i have.

Unknown said...

So sad! I hate it when they are sick! Jordan's done well for awhile now (well anyway no throwing up since that peanut butter salmonella incident). He wasn't acting chipper or anything but he didn't have a fever or anything. Don't worry, this too shall pass. I'm glad to hear you're enjoying DC! Loves from us!

Erin Davis said...

Sorry Trish! Thats so hard to have a sick baby. Hope she feels better soon.